Professional Education
Academy the Chamber of Trade Duesseldorf Germany
January 1991 – December 1993
Master craftsman diploma
A traditional Orthpaedic Shoemaker in the Republic of Ireland
April 2015 – December 2016
Workshop manager and specialist for orthopaedic shoes
Wallenborn Sporthopaedie GmbH Cologne Germany
February 1997 – March 2015
Workshop Manager, specialist for orthopaedic shoes, diabetics, consulting of orthopaedics and sport clubs
DAHW Deutsche Lepra & Tuberkulosehilfe e.V. Würzburg
February 1994 – January 1997
Development Aid Worker Sierra Leone West Africa
- Orthopaedic handmade shoes
- Orthopaedic insoles/ neuromuscular therapy inserts / sensomotoric insoles for kids
- Technical consulting of orthopaedics doctors and consulting of patients
- Lower limb orthoses
- Diabetic footwear